Blue Cheese Bone Marrow Butter


8 marrow bones (cut to 2 inches)

1/2 cup of butter (softened)

¼ cup Gorgonzola blue cheese Crumbles

¼ tsp sea salt

¼ tsp dried rosemary or thyme

¼ cup fresh parsley





Preheat oven to 425℉

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper

Spread the bones, marrow side up, on the baking sheet.

Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes or until the marrow in the center of each bone is bubbly and soft all the way through.

Let marrow bones cool enough to be handled, then scoop out the marrow into a food processor. Add the softened butter, blue cheese, salt, rosemary or thyme, and fresh parsley to the food processor.

Blend until smooth.

Use as you would butter and refrigerate leftover. I suggest rolling the butter into parchment paper prior to cooling. After the it is cool, cut coins out of it and top of medium rare Rose Wood strip loin.

8 marrow bones (cut to 2 inches) 1/2 cup of butter (softened) ¼ cup Gorgonzola blue cheese Crumbles ¼ tsp sea salt ¼ tsp dried rosemary or thyme ¼ cup fresh parsley
Preheat oven to 425℉ Line a baking sheet with parchment paper Spread the bones, marrow side up, on the baking sheet. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes or until the marrow in the center of each bone is bubbly and soft all the way through. Let marrow bones cool enough to be handled, then scoop out the marrow into a food processor. Add the softened butter, blue cheese, salt, rosemary or thyme, and fresh parsley to the food processor. Blend until smooth. Use as you would butter and refrigerate leftover. I suggest rolling the butter into parchment paper prior to cooling. After the it is cool, cut coins out of it and top of medium rare Rose Wood strip loin.
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