Membership Rules

This set of Rules for members of the Texas Wagyu Association (the “TWA”) has been approved by the board of directors of the TWA effective September 30, 2015 to help ensure that the TWA functions as an effective association of members for the benefit of its members and to achieve the goals of the TWA.  All TWA members are required to acknowledge, agree to and abide by these Rules as a condition of membership.


The TWA collects member personal information for the purposes of contacting members, forwarding members important information, maintaining and updating the TWA databases containing member information and assisting members in communicating with each other. The TWA will disclose on its website its member’s information, which information will be available on the website to both its members and the general public


Members must provide an email address in the membership information form.  All notifications such as billing/invoices, statements, updates and announcements from TWA will be sent to members via email.


The TWA is a private association of members and the TWA reserves the right to deny membership to any individual or entity for any reason, including terminating any member that violates these Rules of membership of the TWA.


The TWA is an association of Wagyu cattle producers.  While the TWA allows non-Wagyu cattle producers that are interested in doing business with Wagyu cattle producers to become “associate” members of the association at a reduced annual membership fee, only full Wagyu cattle producer members may vote on matters to be voted upon by the membership of the TWA.


Members of the TWA shall at all times act with integrity and honesty in their business dealings with other members of the TWA.


Members of the TWA shall protect their user login ID and related password such that non-members are not able to utilize their login ID to access the member-only areas of the TWA website.


Members of the TWA must pay their annual membership dues in order to maintain their status as active members.  If such dues are not paid by a member, the rights and privileges of membership for such member will be placed on hold and all TWA website user ID(s) associated with their membership account will be placed on hold, access to the TWA website will be restricted and full Wagyu producer members will not be eligible to vote on TWA matters to be voted upon by the voting class of membership of the TWA.